Ethel Wenzoski (nee Drown) traces her family tree back to Worchester, England where her maternal grandparents were born. William and Sarah Deakin were married in England in 1894 and after several years of married life, Arthur came on ahead, first to Toronto, then Manitoba and finally Golden to settle a homestead in the Blaeberry valley. Sarah joined him and the farm prospered, aided by a good sized garden, a flock of sheep and William’s skill as a bricklayer to bring in ready cash. Ethel is holding a family photo taken in 1947 of William, Sarah and her mother |
Ethel Sr., Aunt Mary (Mather) partially obscured, with herself standing in the centre next to her niece Barb (Dianocky). Ethel Sr. married Rodney Drown and moved into a house in town. But the family farm remained a constant as the Deakins and Drowns spent many Sundays with family gatherings on the farm. The Holmes-Deakin Road that runs down to the old homestead was named after Mr. Deakin and neighbour, Mr. Holmes after they spent several months with axe, pick and shovel transforming a foot path into a carriageway fit for a horse and buggy – |
and more frequent visits from the grandchildren in town! The photo of the Blaeberry Schoolhouse (and outhouse) taken in 1919 is typical of the many one room schools that dotted the valley at the time. Six children enrolled were needed to receive government support for a teacher so children walked and skied from miles around to attend. In the winter, the teacher would arrive early to get the wood stove burning and, hopefully, thaw the ink in the inkwells. Some children would arrive carrying their lunch of jam sandwiches in a Silverleaf lard pail. |